Why You Should Trust Your Photographer On Location
Yellow Grass, Parking Lots and other great venues
I looked at a field full of dying grass, fruit trees, and geese and saw a story. A romantic, lovely, photographic tale needing a family. I have photographed Becca many times and her family session was coming up, so I suggested it and sent her a few pics. Becca was concerned about the yellow grass. “Yellow grass is the best,” I told her. “No green cast and it photographs beautifully.” Luckily Becca trusts me and we met under the apple trees for her family session.
Later she told me that ended up loving the yellowing grass and that I even made the parking lot look good with some last minute photos. While I love being right, I am trying to say something more. You should trust your photographer when it comes to location. The photographer should know the light and how things will look on camera. If you have a spot you are set on shooting, talk to them about it. I know that I will give pros and cons and we will make a collaborative decision in those cases. The majority of time I ask what type of location (beach, field, forrest) and then choose the location myself. Because I am prepared for the location and the light.
“When Chelsea shared the location she was thinking for our family photos I was skeptical. The grass was yellowing under the trees we wanted to shoot under and I wasn’t sure how it would look in photos. Boy did she prove me wrong! Her vision was stunning and I love how they turned out!”